The Rochester VHF Group (RVHFG), with FCC assigned call of W2UTH, is a group of like minded Radio Amateurs who share an interest in operating and experimenting on the bands above 30MHz. While the title says Rochester, we have members from across central New York, Canada and several states across the United States. The group, established in 1949 and still going strong, consists of amateur radio operators interested in advancing the state of the art in the amateur bands above 30MHz (e.g., the UHF, VHF and microwave bands). Members have a broad range of technical skills from beginners to subject matter experts having years of industry experience. All amateur radio operators interested in simplex operation in these bands are welcome.
W2UTH Beacons FN12hv (24x7 except Tuesdays, 8AM-5PM)
50.075 MHz Squalo 6 watts
144.298 MHz Par Omni 5 watts
222.050 MHz Par Omni 5 watts
432.299 MHz Par Omni 5 watts
1296.251 MHz Big Wheel 15 watts
2304.255 MHz Big Wheel 20 watts
10368.290 MHz 2x8 Alfort Slot 2 watts
On the Air Nets
Monday's @ 9PM 144.260 MHz USB
Thursday's @ 9PM 50.205 MHz USB
Net Control: KC2PCD in FN13gb
Echo Link: ka2ene-L #23426